Zakkak, S., Chatzaki, M., Karamalis, N., Kati, V. 2014. Spiders in the context of agricultural land abandonment in Greek Mountains: species responses, community structure and the need to preserve traditional agricultural landscapes. Journal of Insect Conservation 18 (4): 599-611 Οκτώβριος 2, 2014
Willemse, L., Kati, V, Odé, B. 2014. Epirus Grasshopper: a Prima Ballerina Courtship! In: Hegan, A (ed), No More Endlings: saving species one story at a time, Motivational Press, Melbourne, 246-253. Μάιος 30, 2014
Schindler, S., von Wehrden, H., Poirazidis ,K., Wrbka, Th., Kati, V. 2013. Multiscale performance of landscape metrics as indicators of species richness of plants, insects and vertebrates. Ecological Indicators 31: 41– 48. Οκτώβριος 2, 2013
*Kati, V., Zografou, K., Tzirkalli, E., Chitos, Th., Willemse, L. 2012. Butterfly and grasshopper diversity patterns in humid Mediterranean grasslands: the roles of disturbance and environmental factors. Journal of Insect Conservation 16 (2): 807-818. Οκτώβριος 2, 2012
Schindler, S., Curado, N., Nikolov, S., Kreft, E., Carcamo B., Catsadorakis G., Poirazidis, K, Kati V. 2011. From research to implementation: nature conservation in the Eastern Rhodopes mountains, European Green Belt (Greece and Bulgaria). Journal for Nature Conservation 19:193-201. Οκτώβριος 2, 2011
*Kati, V. Poirazidis, K., Dufrêne, M., Halley, J.M., Korakis, G., Schindler, S. Dimopoulos P. 2010. Towards the use of ecological heterogeneity to design reserve networks: a case study from Dadia National Park, Greece. Biodiversity & Conservation 19 (6): 1585-1597. Οκτώβριος 2, 2010
Michaelides, G., *Kati, V. 2009. Diversity patterns and conservation management of the lizard community in a Mediterranean reserve, Cyprus. Journal of Biological Research 12: 211-220. Οκτώβριος 2, 2009
Pullin, A.S., Báldi, A., Can, O.E., Dieterich, M., Kati, V., Livoreil, B., Lövei, G., Nevin, O., Selva, N., Sousa-Pinto, I. 2009. Conservation Focus on Europe: Major conservation policy issues that need to be informed by conservation science. Conservation Biology 23 (4): 818-824. Οκτώβριος 2, 2009
*Kati, V., Dimopoulos, P., Papaioannou, H., Poirazidis, K. 2009. Ecological management of a Mediterranean mountainous reserve (Pindos National Park, Greece) using the bird community as an indicator. Journal for Nature Conservation 17 (1): 47-59. Οκτώβριος 2, 2009
Zografou, K., Sfenthourakis, S., Pullin, A., *Kati, V. 2009. On the surrogate value of red-listed butterflies for butterflies and grasshoppers: a case study in Grammos site of Natura 2000, Greece. Journal of Insect Conservation 13: 505-514. Οκτώβριος 2, 2009
Poirazidis, K., Goutner, V., Tsachalidis, E., Kati, V. 2007. Comparison of nestsite selection patterns of different sympatric raptor species as a tool for their conservation. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 30 (2):131-145. Οκτώβριος 2, 2007
*Kati, V., Foufopoulos, J., Ioannidis, Y., Papaioannou, H., Poirazidis, K., Lebrun, Ph. 2007. Diversity, ecological structure and conservation of herpetofauna in a Mediterranean area (Dadia National Park, Greece). Amphibia-Reptilia 28: 517-529. Οκτώβριος 2, 2007