Lemonnier-Darcemont, Μ., Zechner, L., Kati, V., Filis, N., Darcemont, C. 2022. Occurrence and threats of Prionotropis willemsorum (Massa & Ünal, 2015) in Greece. Articulata 37: 1-12 July 24, 2022
Events Orthoptera under the context of European nature conservation policy: the case of Chorthippus lacustris April 11, 2022
Jobs & grants The Feraki Fund -Grant for orthoptera research for students (Yποτροφία για φοιτητές – έρευνα για τα Ορθόπτερα της Ελλάδας) December 3, 2021
Kati, V., Willemse, L. 2020. “Database of endemic and/or threatened Orthoptera species in the Natura 2000 sites of Greece.”, Mendeley Data, v1. May 30, 2020
Lemonnier-Darcemont, M., Kati, V., Willemse, L., Darcemont, C. 2018. Effects of changing grazing systems on the threatened genus Peripodisma (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Melanoplinae) in the Mediterranean mountains of the southern Balkans. Journal of Mediterranean Ecology 16: 67-79. January 2, 2018
Zografou, K., Adamidis, G., Komnenov, M., Kati, V., Sotirakopoulos, P., Pitta, E., Chatzaki, M. 2017. Diversity of spiders and orthopterans responds to intra-seasonal and spatial environmental changes. Journal of Insect Conservation 21(3): 531-543. March 2, 2017
Zografou, K., Adamidis, G.K., Grill, A., Kati, V., Wilson, R.J., Halley, J.M. 2015. Who flies first? Habitat-specific phenological shifts of butterflies and orthopterans in the light of climate change: a methodological case study from south-east Mediterranean. Ecological Entomology 40: 562-574. October 2, 2015
*Kati, V., Zografou, K., Tzirkalli, E., Chitos, Th., Willemse, L. 2012. Butterfly and grasshopper diversity patterns in humid Mediterranean grasslands: the roles of disturbance and environmental factors. Journal of Insect Conservation 16 (2): 807-818. October 2, 2012
*Kati, V. Poirazidis, K., Dufrêne, M., Halley, J.M., Korakis, G., Schindler, S. Dimopoulos P. 2010. Towards the use of ecological heterogeneity to design reserve networks: a case study from Dadia National Park, Greece. Biodiversity & Conservation 19 (6): 1585-1597. October 2, 2010
Zografou, K., Sfenthourakis, S., Pullin, A., *Kati, V. 2009. On the surrogate value of red-listed butterflies for butterflies and grasshoppers: a case study in Grammos site of Natura 2000, Greece. Journal of Insect Conservation 13: 505-514. October 2, 2009
*Kati, V., Mani, P., von Helversen, O., Willemse, F., Elsner, N., Dimopoulos, P. 2006. Human land use threatens endemic wetland species: the case study of Chorthippus lacustris (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Epirus, Greece. Journal of Insect Conservation 10: 65-74 October 2, 2006
*Kati, V., Devillers, P., Dufrêne, M., Legakis, A., Vokou, D., Lebrun, Ph. 2004. Hotspots, complementarity or representativeness? Designing optimal small-scale reserves for biodiversity conservation. Biological Conservation 120 (4): 471-480. October 2, 2004