Sjögren-Gulve, P., Långström, E., Báldi, A., Ibisch, P., Kati, V., Livoreil, B., Selva, N. 2007. Conservation biology and the 300th anniversary of the birth of Carl Linnaeus. Conservation Biology 21 (4): 905-906. October 2, 2007
Papaioannou, H., *Kati, V. 2007. Current status of the Balkan chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica) in Greece: implications for conservation. Belgian Journal of Zoology 137 (1): 33-39. October 2, 2007
*Kati, V., Sekercioglu, C.H. 2006. Diversity, ecological structure, and conservation of the landbird community of Dadia reserve, Greece. Diversity and Distributions 12: 620-629. October 2, 2006
*Kati, V., Mani, P., von Helversen, O., Willemse, F., Elsner, N., Dimopoulos, P. 2006. Human land use threatens endemic wetland species: the case study of Chorthippus lacustris (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Epirus, Greece. Journal of Insect Conservation 10: 65-74 October 2, 2006
Korakis, G., Gerasimidis, A., Poirazidis, K., Kati, V. 2006. Floristic records from Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli National Park, NE Greece. Flora Mediterranea 16:11-32. October 2, 2006
Grill, A., Knoflach, B., Cleary, D., Kati, V. 2005. Butterfly, spider, and plant communities in different land-use types: Sardinia, Italy. Biodiversity and Conservation 14: 1281-1300. October 2, 2005
*Kati, V., Devillers, P., Dufrêne, M., Legakis, A., Vokou, D., Lebrun, Ph. 2004. Hotspots, complementarity or representativeness? Designing optimal small-scale reserves for biodiversity conservation. Biological Conservation 120 (4): 471-480. October 2, 2004
*Kati,V., Dufrêne M., Legakis A., Grill A., Lebrun Ph. 2004. Conservation management for the Orthoptera in the Dadia reserve, Greece. Biological Conservation 115: 33-44. October 2, 2004
*Kati, V., Willemse, F. 2001. The grasshoppers and crickets of the Dadia Forest Reserve (Thraki, Greece) with a new record to the Greek fauna: Paranocarodes chopardi Pechev 1965 (Orthoptera, Pamphagidae). Articulata 16: 11-19. October 2, 2001
*Kati, V., Lebrun, Ph., Devillers, P., Papaioannou, H. 2000. Les orchidées de la réserve de Dadia (Grèce), leurs habitats et leur conservation. Les Naturalistes Belges 81: 269-282. October 2, 2000